Over the Fence
The gap between expected life and reality can be massive join your hosts, Sarah and Vangeya as they share their experiences of navigating their very full lives that on the surface look like they would be worlds apart. But as you will soon discover their emotions and experiences in the realities they find themselves are often more similar than they would have expected from a cursory look over the fence.
28 episodes
Birthday Bonus: Building works and Thai Massages
Hello hello hello, we are thrilled to be back after a slightly longer than intended break. We are excited to come back for this very special pod episode in celebration ney… in honour of Vangeya’s impending ascent to the fourth floor!!!!...
Season 4
Episode 7

The Art of Conversation Part 2 - S04E06
The two parties just keep on coming. This wasn’t even an intentional one. This weeks episode ended up being a part two that we didn’t even know the world needed. Those of you that have been listening for awhile. Remember that we did a bonus epi...
Season 4
Episode 6

Big Issues Deep Dive Part 2 - S04E05
As promised, we are back with part two of the big issues deep dive with Sarah sharing some of her story from her side of the fence with regard to mental health stereotypes. As with last weeks episode the A+B=C formula was also an expectation fo...
Season 4
Episode 5

Big Issues Part 1 S04E04
Big Issues Deep Dive - part 1If you have been listening to the pod for awhile, you will know that authenticity is one of our buzz words, and in season four we wanted to wade a little deeper. After a season of hearing the s...
Season 4
Episode 4

Reviewing the Situation - S04E03
The conversation from last week was so good we came back with a part two and in today’s episode we look at how to ‘friend through’ the hibernation seasons.This conversation is peppered with wisdom from those far wiser than ourselves and...
Season 4
Episode 3

Friends Glorious Friends S04E02
There is no denying that the quest for connection and belonging is strong and ongoing. When we were young, it seemed that friendships simply happened around us, but in this tricky decade, friendships often seem more to allude than abound.
Season 4
Episode 2

Resolutions vs Reflections S04E01
Happy 2024!!This episode and indeed the new season kicks off with a massive dose of nostalgia about life in the 1900s, and the fear surrounding the Y2K bug! As ever your hosts have a right laugh, but we also get serious speaking candidl...
Season 4
Episode 1

Bonus episode: A delightful encore
As promised here, we are with a bonus episode to complement season three! In this episode we hear from Stew Bewley an actor turned coach. As with all the guests from season 3 Stew drops copious knowledge bombs in the first few minutes and conti...
Season 3
Episode 8

S03E07 Plot Twist!
*Please note this episode mentions Sarah's journey with baby loss . We all remember those English lessons in primary school where we were told stories have a beginning middle and end! Very early in we were conditioned to believe t...
Season 3
Episode 7

S03E06 Leaving It All on the Track
In this the penultimate episode of the season we have yet another corker of a guest. We have been blown away by the wisdom, candour and experiences shared by all our guests and Tracey Duncan is no exception. Over a cuppa with us Tr...
Season 3
Episode 6

S03E05 To all those on the outside looking in
Things are back to normal with Sarah and Vangeya reunited as we carry in this jam packed and insight filled season!In this week’s episode Sarah and Vangeya introduce you to we Samuel Kasumu: politician, entrepreneur and the author. &nbs...
Season 3
Episode 5

S03E04 Make Every Day Count - Part 2
With no further adieu, We are back for part two! grab a cuppa, a friend, a notepad and settle in for part two of Claire and Vangeya’s conversation with the fabulous Caroline Harper Jantuah! This episode kicks off with a rounds of i...
Season 3
Episode 4

S03E03 - Making Each Day Count
This week Vangeya is joined by a surprise co host! Together they introduce you this week’s fabulous guest. Buckle up for today’s episode where the waves of wisdom just keep coming. From biochemist to coach, facilitator, jet s...
Season 3
Episode 3

S03E02 - Decades in the Making
We are off! After last week’s intro - we are setting off at a gallop! As billed we will be introducing you to several guests over the season. These are people we know and have journeyed with in some capacity, and they have kindly agreed t...
Season 3
Episode 2

S03E01 - Finding Your Story
Finding your story Refreshed from our summer break we are back for season three talking about something that is very close and data hearts. We believe that everybody’s story is a valid and valuable and we want to delve into some s...
Season 3
Episode 1

We Leave You With This For Now - S02E06
Friends! We Have come to the end of another season. How has it gone by so quickly? (Panic you not! We are already planning for season 3!)We have thoroughly enjoyed coming over the fence with you as we have looked at self-care. Our hope ...
Season 2
Episode 6

Avoiding the Overhaul - S02E05
Friends, we have our second ever guest! The fabulous Claire Murphy joins the pod this week, to our great delight. This wonderfully insightful discussion with Claire centres around the fact that self care whilst difficult at the bes...
Season 2
Episode 5

Our Manifesto is Born- S02E04
Our manifesto is bornThe episode kicks off with a spectacular Segway, a throwaway comment by Sarah that very much fits with the theme of internal rhetoric gets Vangeya very excited. The episide is all about this internal monologu...
Season 2
Episode 4

Real Self Care Doesn't Start with a Bubble Bath! S02 E03
Real self care doesn’t start with a bubble bath!!Calling all recovering people pleasers! in this weeks episode we look at authentic self care, what it really requires and some practical things to implement. For all you self-confes...
Season 2
Episode 3

The Fruit Beneath Your Feet, Guest: Olga THOMPSON - S02E02
Show notes: 202The fruit beneath your feet with Olga ThompsonThe pod has the first of our wonderful guests! Introducing the talented, hilarious, wise and all round fabulous Olga Thompson!This episode could have been 3 times ...
Season 2
Episode 2
Being Your Own Friend - S02E01
Season 2 already! how did we get here? Like always life seems to keep whizzing by and we all sometimes wish we could slow down, pause and have time for ,,,,some self care! Yes it is crucial but who has the time? And is it ...
Season 2
Episode 1

The Art of Conversation S01 Bonus Episode
This episode is special for two reasons. Firstly it came about organically in the throes of season one and secondly, people got in touch and said they would love to hear this episode. So what started off as a quip about the need for lessons in&...
Season 1
Episode 7
Muddling through to Clarity
Your hosts inadvertently create their brand in this episode : muddling through to clarity. Not at all the oxymoron it first appears to be or maybe it is, but they own it. This episode focuses on community- the difficulties wh...
Season 1
Episode 6