Over the Fence

S03E03 - Making Each Day Count

Over the Fence Season 3 Episode 3

This week Vangeya is joined by a surprise co host! Together they introduce you this week’s fabulous guest. 

Buckle up for today’s episode where the waves of wisdom just keep coming.  From biochemist to coach, facilitator, jet setter meet Caroline Harper Jantuah. 

You could literally see the sparks fly between my surprise cohost and Caroline  as they both work in the people/change culture space. 

For over 3 decades Caroline has worked with individuals  as they seek to articulate and work toward their vision. More recently also becoming an Inclusion and diversity champion- working to bring about change to the internal workings of  organisations to make them more inclusive,  respectful and become organisations people are happy to work in.

Forget your cuppa, my advice is grab a note pad as we go over the fence with fascinating and brilliant human!


1. John O’Donoghue

Over the Fence is a podcast written and presented by Vangeya Mhone and Sarah Parkinson
Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
Editing and Post-Production: Chris Parkinson

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