


| Meet Sarah |

Sarah is an introvert by nature, but you wouldn’t necessarily know it.  Can be loud, bit cheeky, wears her heart on her sleeve, loves to write and create, but home and in bed by 9:30pm if you please. 

Her love language evolves around coffee, family, coffee, Christmas, coffee, a few select friends and when it’s evening a little bit of posh in a cup of Earl Grey (decaf, don’t you know sleep is important!?!?!).  

*warning this podcast has broken at times her self-imposed curfew and she can not be responsible for the overshares that occur beyond that time.  

So come along for the ride, the kettle is on and chit chat is a happening…. #kettleon #chitchat #podcastlaunch #podcast #overthefence



| Meet Vangeya | 

Vangeya is a great listener and an even better talker. Happy to have a philosophical discussion, a spirited debate or just a catch up with a friend over a cuppa. She is so excited to be doing a mixture of all of that on this podcast. 

At this stage in her life she is all about being her glorious self - in all her loud, hilarious colourful and larger than life ways. She brings all to everything she does, people walk away having experienced real connection with someone that isn’t afraid to drop the pretence and share their heart.

Vangeya is the friend you cannot leave alone for two minutes, she will make friends wherever she goes; the ladies, on the train, in the supermarket anyway really! An avid podcast junkie, she is so looking forward to showing up in the pod world so , drop by and come see us every Tuesday-we’ll pop the kettle on! 



| Meet Chris |

Chris is Stig's answer to the podcast world.  He is our technical genius and audio overlord who squirrels away all things technical on our behalf.