Over the Fence
The gap between expected life and reality can be massive join your hosts, Sarah and Vangeya as they share their experiences of navigating their very full lives that on the surface look like they would be worlds apart. But as you will soon discover their emotions and experiences in the realities they find themselves are often more similar than they would have expected from a cursory look over the fence.
Over the Fence
Our Manifesto is Born- S02E04
Our manifesto is born
The episode kicks off with a spectacular Segway, a throwaway comment by Sarah that very much fits with the theme of internal rhetoric gets Vangeya very excited. The episide is all about this internal monologue or story that we have on repeat running around in the background. Like a master computer programme it affects everything from our decision making to how we feel about ourselves.
But if it’s in our hardware, how do we recognise it? More importantly can we change it? From neuroscience to our own experience we look at how to manage these insidious thoughts. As always expect nothing but real raw vulnerability as Sarah and Vangeya describe some of the rhetoric they are working at changing and what seems to be working:
1. Recognising when you are out of control
2. Learning when not to act, enter the urge surfing
3. Don’t rush your process
4. Know what you need (the aforementioned manifesto)
1. Link to laboratory of neuro imaging - quote about 70,000 thoughts
2. Rachelle Indra (@coachrachelleindra) Lucky girl syndrome explained with neuroscience
3. Prentice Emphill on boundaries: https://byrepose.com/journal/2022/1/18/setting-boundaries-what-does-that-really-mean#:~:text=Clear%20boundaries%20are%20defined%20beautifully,prerequisite%20for%20connection%20with%20others.
4. Links to 47.2 episode and bonus episode
Over the Fence is a podcast written and presented by Vangeya Mhone and Sarah Parkinson
Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
Editing and Post-Production: Chris Parkinson