Over the Fence
The gap between expected life and reality can be massive join your hosts, Sarah and Vangeya as they share their experiences of navigating their very full lives that on the surface look like they would be worlds apart. But as you will soon discover their emotions and experiences in the realities they find themselves are often more similar than they would have expected from a cursory look over the fence.
Over the Fence
S03E06 Leaving It All on the Track
In this the penultimate episode of the season we have yet another corker of a guest. We have been blown away by the wisdom, candour and experiences shared by all our guests and Tracey Duncan is no exception.
Over a cuppa with us Tracey shared her story and quite frankly this episode is the definition of navigating expectation and reality!
After a dramatic change of direction Tracey’s story is an inspiring tale of grit and drive to succeed despite the mother of all the curveballs. We are treated to a glimpse of what it looks like to put aside the expected life and create a wonderful alternative from what is and not what we wish was.
We thoroughly enjoyed our evening with Tracey and know you will too, so for the final time this season, grab a cuppa, a friend, a notebook or all three!
1. Simon Sinek: the Infinite game
2. Bernadette Russell: how to be hopeful
Find Tracey on Linked In to connect: bit.ly/traceyduncan
Over the Fence is a podcast written and presented by Vangeya Mhone and Sarah Parkinson
Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
Editing and Post-Production: Chris Parkinson