Over the Fence
The gap between expected life and reality can be massive join your hosts, Sarah and Vangeya as they share their experiences of navigating their very full lives that on the surface look like they would be worlds apart. But as you will soon discover their emotions and experiences in the realities they find themselves are often more similar than they would have expected from a cursory look over the fence.
Over the Fence
Avoiding the Overhaul - S02E05
Friends, we have our second ever guest! The fabulous Claire Murphy joins the pod this week, to our great delight.
This wonderfully insightful discussion with Claire centres around the fact that self care whilst difficult at the best of times is nearly impossible during curveball season and yet this is when it’s most crucial if a complete programe reset post burn out is to be avoided
As always there were laughs had , genuine wisdom and practical steps shared, so listen in and take note
1. Esther Perel
2. Canadian Red Cross: psychological first aid pocket guide : https://www.globalfirstaidcentre.org/resource/psychological-first-aid-pocket-guide/
Over the Fence is a podcast written and presented by Vangeya Mhone and Sarah Parkinson
Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
Editing and Post-Production: Chris Parkinson